Anime Review: The Cat Returns

February 18, 2013

Haru is a young girl that is bored with life. And like all school girls, at-least all school girls in movies, she has a crush on the most popular boy in her class. While walking home from school she sees a cat that is about to be hit by a truck and manages to save him. To Haru’s surprise he stands up and thanks her for rescuing her, and promises to repay her shortly after he has completed an important errand which he is currently on. Her life is about to get much more interesting.

Haru shortly learns that the cat she saved is the prince of the Cat Kingdom, and his father insists on thanking her by having her join his kingdom: by marrying the prince. Haru must escape the kingdom and return home before sunrise or she will be forced to remain a cat forever, but does she really want to go back home? Her only hope of escape is a cat figurine come to life called The Baron as well as his overweight friend Muta.

While obviously a kids’ story, this actually had a lot of fun moments that I think adults would enjoy as well. The story is well done and provides kids with “that’s funny” scenes while at the same time hinting at some more inside jokes that adults will appreciate as well. I really enjoyed the movie. For the most part I have been happy with the Studio Ghibli films and TV shows, there have been a few that I turned off but that seems to be the exception rather than the rule with them. I have more on order in my Netflix queue from them. For those that are familiar with the Miyazaki film Whisper of the Heart, you will find that The Baron is a familiar character. In fact Whisper of the Heart was so successful that fans wanted another movie that centered around the cat character, with this being the result.

Movie length: 75 minutes
Content: Completely clean, another kid movie that is very appropriate to watch with the kids.