Paper books get old, they get out of date, and they get misplaced. Most of all, nobody bothers to read them anyway. And if you are going to build some digital documentation, why would you send your users to another site? They already use Rock, so why not keep them inside Rock where you can easily manage security and keep things up to date. With Rockumentation you can quickly build books of documentation for various parts of your organization. Employee training manuals? No problem. HR documents that describe all the benefits available to your staff? Easy. Step by step instructions on various processes? Simple.
Create multiple books, and within each book you can create various articles that describe anything you want. You can even create multiple versions of each book so that you don't have to erase the old content when you need to make changes. And standard Rock security can be applied at any stage. Secure entire books, a specific version of a book, a tree of articles or even just a single article. Allow only the people you want to be able to view or edit however you want.
Version History
Bug Fixes
- Fixed BookView block to show toggle for article TOC on phones.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed BookView block to show toggle for article TOC on phones.
New Features
- Added ability to specify a single book to be displayed on the Book View block.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the link and inline-code buttons when editing text.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed bug that prevented deleting images.
- Fixed bug preventing a new blank version from being created from Grid.
New Features
- Added feature to enable specific articles to perform Lava merging of content.
- Added new Raw structured editor block to more easily support Lava statements.
- Added Lava as syntax highlight option to code block.
- Added support for embedding Rock Media videos into documentation.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed code editor not saving language selection if it was the last change.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed error when searching for articles in Universal Search bar.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed ordering of articles in print mode.
- Fixed page break positions in print mode.
New Features
- Added support for custom attributes on articles.
- Added attribute to books to allow you to upload custom image to use as book cover.
- Added block settings to allow for customization of how the articles are rendered.
New Features
- New visual editor that provides a more streamlined editing experience.
- Video embeds supported in new visual editor.
Initial release
- Build comprehensive documentation directly into Rock.
- Secure different books and articles to only those that should see them.
- Upload and attach images and documents.