Rock 1.16.0 Documentation

Project Management

The Project Management system is designed to give you an easy way to quickly enter and track simple task-based projects. But it also provides the power to expand into more comprehensive project management with sub-projects, blocked tasks and a powerful comment system.

Each project is requested by a single person but can be assigned to multiple people. A project can have tasks that each can be assigned to a single person. Projects can also have sub-projects associated with them if a task to be completed is complex enough to warrant sub-dividing it further. Finally, each type of project can have custom attributes associated with it. This gives you the ability to customize your projects and provide the information you need in order to efficiently complete the project.

E-mail notifications are also built in to keep you up to date when: a project is assigned to you; a task is assigned to you; a new comment on a project you are involved with; a project is marked as completed. This e-mails allow you to easily keep two-way communication open between the requester and those working to accomplish the request.

Project types allow you to define custom attributes, e-mail templates and other settings for the project. A project is also assigned to a category. These categories allow you to organize and group similar projects together, even if they are of different project types.

Version History


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed project board styling on Rock v16.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed Mailgun comments via e-mail when using Rock 16.1 and later.

New Features

  • Added ability to disable sending e-mail notification from Assign Task workflow action.
  • Added support to filter project types on My Projects and My Tasks blocks.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue that prevented the Project Entry List block from rendering with Fluid engine.

New Features

  • Added support for new Fluid lava engine in Rock v13.
  • Added workflow actions to block and unblock projects and tasks.
  • Added support to create recurring tasks in the CreateTask workflow action.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed AssignTask workflow action to send notification e-mails.

New Features

  • Added support for recurring task future dates to show up on the calendar.
  • Improved the handling of sorting project type attributes.
  • Updated "upload" tooltip to better indicate that files as well as images can be uploaded.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue where Project Types filtering on Calendar page was not saving preferences correctly.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed project counts always showing red in Rock v13.
  • Fixed following control not working in Rock v12.4 and later.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug that prevented more than 20 cards from loading in the project board columns.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed bug that prevented deletion of project boards or columns that had attached cards.

New Features

  • Added support for hyphens and a number of accented characters in name mention.

New Features

  • New Kanban style boards to help sort and track the progress of your projects.
  • Added setting to Project View block to specify which project types to show.
  • Added tooltip to "Completed" and "Cancelled" label on project detail page to show the date.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issues where the system time was used instead of Rock time.
  • Fixed issue that prevented changing a project from cancelled to completed.

New Features

  • Added Project Type setting to Save Communication History (note: v11 currently has a bug that ignores this setting)
  • Added workflow actions Wait For Project State and Wait For Task State to delay execution until the project/task's status matches the specified value.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed some UI issues related to Rock v11.

New Features

  • Added options for Create Project and Add Project Comment workflow actions to detect attachments (read the docs).

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed some UI issues with the project picker control.
  • Fixed some cases where a circular project reference could be created.
  • Fixed an issue where people could still receive comment notifications even if they unwatched a project.
  • Fixed a bug that could prevent non-administrators from being able to watch/unwatch a project.

New Features

  • Updated to work with Rock 10.2's new System Communication.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue where duplicate names would not show up in auto-complete popup.
  • Fixed bug with mentions not working with names that include hyphens or accented characters.
  • Fixed editor jumping to top of page on iOS.
  • Fixed error when filtering calendar on "Requested By Me" if any projects did not have a "Requested By" value.

New Features

  • Added Active Only filter option to calendar (on by default). You mean you didn't want to see every single project and task you already finished? Fiiinnne.
  • Added new Project Tag data view filter to query filters based on their tag(s).

New Features

  • New calendar view that lets you view projects and tasks on a week or month-style calendar.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed adding sub project would not auto-select the parent project for you.
  • Fixed some UI issues that cropped up with Rock v9.

New Features

  • Breadcrumbs now show for parent projects when viewing a project.

New Features

  • Added ability to hide child projects in the Project View page.
  • Added ability to change the parent of a project.

New Features

  • Added ability to customize how Project and Task names display in various blocks.
  • Added custom column functionality to the Projects page.
  • Added block setting to Project View block that allows for a "completed" checkbox to be added to the grid (off by default).

Be sure to read the updated documentation on how to use these new features.


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue where an error would occur on the Project Entry List page if you tried to add a Project Type without specifying an optional Category.
  • Fixed bug that prevented manual re-ordering of tasks in a project.

New Features

  • Updated markdown editor to show the bold, italic, and strikethrough states as you type.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed bug that caused exception when rendering markdown content with three asterisks.
  • Fixed bug where a recently created project type would not show up in project type picker controls until the cache was manually cleared.
  • Fixed bug that preventing sorting projects by custom attributes from working.

New Features

  • Added support for attachments in e-mailed project comments.
  • Category is no longer required by default for projects - new Project Type setting to require a Category on projects of that type.
  • Added new block to display all file attachments to a project.
  • Added 'Newest Comment' link to project discussion that shows up after 10 comments have been left (configurable as a block setting).
  • Added support for recurring tasks in projects.
  • Added a bunch of Data View filters for working with Projects and Tasks.
  • Added a number of Data Select components for building Project and Task reports.
  • Added support for strikethrough formatting by wrapping text in double tildes.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed bug related to Rock 8.x that caused unintenional filtering for certain attribute types that were set to Show on Grid.
  • Fixed bug that would allow empty comments to be left on projects.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug where the tags would reproduce like rabbits.
  • Fixed bug when running in Rock 8.x and using projects attributes configured to Show on Grid.
  • Fixed a bug related to system e-mails without a category causing exceptions while editing project types.
  • Updated Project Detail and Project Entry screens to refer to project name as "Project Name" instead of just "Name".
  • Improved handling of less than and greater than characters in comment rendering.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed bug in 7.4+ that prevented the selection buttons on the Projects page to function.
  • Fixed exception in Rock 8.x when viewing a project.

New Features

  • Cleaned up the way the header information on the Project Detail page is displayed.
  • Added ability to users to hide empty project types from the Projects page.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed compatibility with installing fresh on Rock v8.
  • Fixed bug where uploaded files would sometimes be deleted from the database.
  • Fixed (hopefully) some URLs not being correctly converted to clickable links.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug causing the upload button to no tbe visible when creating a new project.
  • Fixed default sorting in Project List block to have projects that are due first up top.

New Features

  • Added support for Rock v8.
  • Added ability to paste tasks into a project.
  • Entirely new way to view projects akin to Content Channels.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed bug preventing users from changing a project's type.

New Features

  • Added support for entering < and=> characters in project descriptions and comments.
  • Added dedicated page for managing project categories.

New Features

  • Added support for tags to Projects and Tasks.
  • Added Assigned To column to project list and removed Active Tasks.
  • Added support for replying to project e-mails to leave a comment on the project (Mailgun and SendGrid), see documentation for instructions on setting up.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed broken FontAwesome icons with Rock v7.
  • Fixed error with links to projects not working correctly if original installation was performed on Rock v7.
  • Fixed exception in Project Entry List block that could occur after deleting a Project Type from the system.
  • Fixed bug causing files uploaded into a project description to not persist into the database.
  • Fixed bug where BinaryFiles attached to a project were not marked for deletion when the project was deleted.
  • Fixed errors when trying ot use properties IsBlocked, IsActive and State in reporting.
  • Fixed bug causing comment e-mails to not be sent if no completed e-mail was selected.

Initial Release

The initial release of this plugin includes the following features and more:

  • Create, assign and complete projects.
  • Create, assign and complete tasks within projects.
  • Projects may contain sub-projects.
  • Rich discussion system tied to each project.
  • E-mail notifications.